We'd Love To See You On Sunday Morning

Our church family is composed of the young and the old coming from a mix of backgrounds. Dress varies between people in suit and tie or dress, to jeans and a t-shirt. Whatever you wear, we want you to be comfortable.

Our services starts at 10:30 with a blend of both traditional and contemporary songs. The service leader leads us in prayer and Bible reading, and there is an opportunity to say "Hello" to those seated near you.

Babies up to age 3 are welcome in our Nursery and children aged 4-10 are welcome to attend Junior Church with our screened and police-checked volunteers. They are dismissed just prior to the sermon when Pastor Al preaches a message from the Bible.

On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate Communion and welcome everyone who knows Jesus Christ as their saviour to join. Or just observe. 


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